Cada mes llevamos a cabo una serie continua de eventos, charlas y reuniones grupales que cubren una amplia gama de temas sobre el cuidado de la memoria donde usted puede participar, aprender y obtener apoyo. Visita nuestro calendario de eventos con frecuencia para ver quƩ ofrecemos que pueda ayudarte o interesarte.
Memory Care Alliance depende de su donaciĆ³n para apoyar nuestros programas. Para donar haga clic en el enlace a continuaciĆ³n. Desde allĆ, haga clic en la imagen en la pĆ”gina Donar y siga las instrucciones. Se le pedirĆ” que seleccione un destino. Simplemente desplĆ”cese hacia abajo y seleccione Memory Care Alliance. Ā”Gracias!
PrĆ³ximos programas y Eventos
MĆ”s informaciĆ³n prĆ³ximamente
Your Program & Event Highlights for October 2024
Weekly Caregiver Meeting
Fridays, October 4th, 11th and 18th. 2:00pm – 3:30pm
@ Unitarian Church Santa Fe, 107 W. Barcelona Rd.
New! On-site respite care will be provided during meetings beginning October 11th
The Alliance Cafe will be Friday, October 25th - “A Spook-tacular Event”!
Men’s Group
Fridays, October 11th, 18th and 25th @ Unitarian Church Santa Fe, 107 W. Barcelona Rd. Santa Fe Men’s Group Men’s “Out and About” Friday, October 4th
12:30pm – 1:30pm @ The New Baking Company, 504 W. Cordova.
NEW! On-site respite care will be provided during meetings beginning October 11th
Spanish Caregiver Meeting “Cuidando Con Carino”
Tuesdays, October 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd and 29th. 5:30pm – 6:30pm @ La Familia Alto Street Clinic, 1035 Alto Street. Meetings will be held in the community room.
Prepare to Care
An all day Prepare to Care Workshop will be held Saturday, October 2nd at The Memory Care Alliance office. 1541 S. St. Frances.
A reservation is required. Email admin@thememorycarealliance.org.
Grieving the Death of a Loved One Support/Action Group Program
This group program is for those who have experienced recent deaths of family, friends, or colleagues. Program is free of charge & facilitated by Eileen Joyce, Certified Coach & Grief Recovery Specialist with 25 years of experience. Please contact Eileen by calling 505-428-0670 or email ej@eileenjoyce.com to reserve your place. First meeting will be Thursday, October 6th, 1:30pm – 2:30pm @ Unitarian Church in Santa Fe, 107 W Barcelona Rd.
Out and About for October
Tuesday, October 15th. 2:00pm. A private tour of the Leonora Wetlands Preserve. Some walking on uneven trails will be done. More details coming soon.
Weekly Caregiver Meeting
Tuesdays, October 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd and 29th. 11:00am – 12:00pm
@ Betty Ehart Senior Center in Los Alamos.
Weekly Caregiver Meeting
Wednesdays, October 2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd and 30th.
@ Zuni Senior Center, 1386 NM-53 in Zuni.
Weekly Caregiver Meeting
Thursdays, October 3rd, 10th, 17th and 24th.
@ Highlands University Library, 900 University Ave. in Las Vegas.
Please note there will NOT be a meeting on Thursday, October 31st.
NEW! Weekly caregiver meetings will begin in Taos on Tuesday, October 22nd from 3:00pm --4:00pm at St. James Episcopal Church (choir room).
208 Camino Santiago in Taos
Santa Fe Doorways
Thursday, October 10th 11:45 0 1:00 via Zoom. Speaker will be David Davis, Director of The Memory Care Alliance. “An update on Alzheimer's and Dementia” What new programs are available for caregivers and updates on clinical assessments. David will also make time for you to “Ask Him Anything” related to dementia care and any other elder care / end of life issue you would like to know more about.
Zoom Room Login ID# 823 4352 7718. No password required.
Legal and Financial Workshop for Caregivers
Saturday, November 16th at the Santa Fe Community College. 9:00 - 2:00. Keynote speaker will be Feliz Martone, a specialist in eldercare law. Other presentations will include information about guardianships, advance directives, and legal end of life options, an update on open enrollment in Medicare, and understanding wills and trusts. This is a free event. Reservations required.
Go to our website for more information.
NEW! Women’s Caregiver Meeting in Santa Fe
Beginning on Tuesday, November 12th and continuing the first and third
Tuesdays of every month at The Memory Care Alliance office.
1:30 - 2:30. 1541 S. St. Francis Drive in Santa Fe